Cureloms and Cumoms —Joseph AntleyIt is generally believed that the elephants mentioned by Moroni were actually lingering
North American mammoths or mastadons. Considering the clues in the text, the mammoths, cureloms, and cumoms were not domesticated or used in a manner like the oxen, sheep, swine, or goats, or like the horses and asses. The text doesn't say they had elephants, cureloms, and cumoms, but just that there were elephants, cureloms, and cumoms, and they were especially useful to man.
The reign of Emer, the only time elephants, cureloms, and cumoms are mentioned, was probably sometime between 2500 and 1500 BC.
Could either the cureloms or cumoms have been giant ground sloths, such as the mylodon? Some ground sloths living in Hispianola and Cuba didn't become extinct until the 16th century, and Indian oral legends of ground sloths suggest that they coexisted among Native Americans during some point. Some even speculate that they may exist today in the unexplored regions of Argentina.
And if the giant sloth was a curelom or cumom, perhaps it starts a pattern in the text. Going on this theory, verse 19 would group elephants (mammoths), cureloms (giant sloths), and cumoms together, giving rise to perhaps an etymological theory that the Jaredite or Nephite prefix cu- meant "large; huge".
Any ideas on other candidates for cureloms and cumoms?
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